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People have been working since time immemorial. In collaboration with each other, efforts have been made to institutionalize socio-economic development. The Co-operative Movement became vigorous in 1750 - 1850 through the Industrial Revolution in England. The rights of the underprivileged exploited people of the working class were established. In 1961, various groups of people were formed in the efforts of weavers. Cooperative journey started in this sub-continent in 1904 and got legal authority and the Bengal Cooperative Act was introduced. The Bengal Cooperative Act was amended in 1940. Later, Co-operative Societies Ordinance - In this country, Co-operative Societies were operated through 1984 Ordinance 1-1985 and the termination of the Ordinance was terminated in 2001 and the Cooperative Societies Act 2001 was introduced in the great parliament. Co-operative Societies Amendment Act / 2002 and 2013 both amendments have been amended. For the interpretation of the law, the Co-operative Society Rules / Under the provisions of this Act, the association of the co-operative society under the provisions of this Act is now being conducted.